ANUG(Acute Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis)
An inflammatory, destructive disease of gingiva. Clinical Features Sudden onset. Intraoral Signs And Symptoms Lesions are characterized by punched out, crater like depressions at the crest of the interdental papilla, subsequently involving marginal gingiva and rarely attached gingiva. Craters are covered by grayish pseudomembranous slough.. Other signs include gingival hemorrhage or pronounced bleeding on the slightest stimulation. Fetide odour and increased salivation. Oral Symptoms The lesions are extremely sensitive to touch. Complains of a constant radiating, gnawing pain that is intensified by eating spicy or hot foods and chewing. There is metallic foul taste. Predisposing Factor : Malnutrition stress and lack of sleep. The causative organisms are spirochetes, furiform bacteria. Management Includes local debridment ( ultrasonic scaling ), subgingival curettage and use of mild oxygenating solutions. Antibiotic therepy includes penici...